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دانلود کتاب Dermatology: Comprehensive Board Review and Practice Examinations 2024 (epub+PDF)

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نام کتاب: Dermatology: Comprehensive Board Review and Practice Examinations: Print + eBook with Multimedia First Edition

نويسنده/نويسندگان: by Dr. Caroline Nelson MD (Author)

نوع فايل:  PDFepub+ converted pdf
سال انتشار: 2024
تعداد صفحات : 1632
ناشر : Publisher ‏ : ‎ LWW; First Edition (July 21, 2023)

شابک :9781975141714


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 With high-yield coverage of content on the newly restructured in-training and certification examinations, Dermatology: Comprehensive Board Review and Practice Examinations provides the information you need to excel. The Board Review begins with an overview of science and research, progresses to review dermatologic diagnoses, and concludes with a summary of treatment techniques. The Practice Examinations, delivered in basic, core, and applied formats, are an invaluable preparation tool. Both the Board Review and the Practice Examinations are packed with clinical and histopathological images and memory aids, ideal for visual learners. From cover to cover, this resource developed by a team of experts will help you master the foundations of dermatology and perform at the highest level on the “Exam of the Future” and in clinical practice.

  • Comprehensive Board Review with:
    • Over 300 kodachromes of high-yield clinical diagnoses across different skin types.
    • Over 200 boxes emphasizing clinicopathological correlation for high-yield histopathological diagnoses.
    • Sorting of 100 “Group 1” and “Group 2” kodachromes (designated by the American Board of Dermatology Content Outline and Blueprint for the Basic Exam) through a collapsible and expandible EBook.
    • Sorting of content most relevant to each core exam module through color-coding and a collapsible and expandable EBook.
    • Focus on knowledge application to clinical practice with evidence-based recommendations for diagnosis and management.
  • Practice Examinations with 840 multiple-choice questions and accompanying rationales:
    • One Basic examination (200 questions);
    • Four Core examination modules: medical dermatology (100 questions), surgical dermatology (100 questions), pediatric dermatology (100 questions), and dermatopathology (100 questions);
    • Two Applied examinations (240 questions each).
  • Memory aids including cartoons and mnemonics throughout the Board Review and Practice Examinations that facilitate knowledge retention and recall.

Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience

  • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.


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