
شماره تماس 09371686566   
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دانلود کتابSelf assessment and review obstetric 12th2020( PDF)

190,000 تومان
50,000 تومان
74 % تخفیف
کد : 1551

نام کتاب: Self assessment and review obstetric 12th edit
نويسنده/نويسندگان: Sakshi Arora Hans
سال انتشار: 2021
نوع فايل:  PDF
حجم فايل: 62MB
تعداد صفحات : 424
ناشر : Jaypee brothers medical publishers (January 30, 2019)
شابک : 9789789352709250

The 12th edition covers the entire obstetrics in a simple, holistic approach to cater the needs of PG aspirants and UG students of India and abroad. It is a completely colored book. New diagnostic techniques and guidelines of HIV in pregnancy have been covered including x-rays

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