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دانلود کتاب Textbook of Obstetrics 2020 (ORIGINAL PDF)

270,000 تومان
کد : 2280

نام کتاب: Textbook of Obstetrics

نويسنده/نويسندگان: Usha Kumari

 سال انتشار: 2019
نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF
ناشر : Elsevier India
شابک : 9788131256527
نسخه چاپی تمام رنگی ، با کیفیت بالا ،جلد هارد


This textbook of obstetrics will be an updated comprehensive book for both the undergraduates and postgraduates. This will also be a handy, practical reading material for those practising obstetrics.

  • Topics covered as per the latest revised curriculum of Medical Council of India
  • History taking for important obstetric conditions have been included which will be of great help to students during the examination and in clinical practice
  • Commonly asked questions provided at the end of every chapter in order to have immediate self-assessment and identify the learning needs
  • 50 clinical case scenarios provided to enable students to practice the steps of evaluation and clinical management
  • Emphasis on communication, informed consent, clinical documentation in an exclusive chapter which is most often an overlooked entity
  • Compilation of the important scientific trials in obstetrics that can be of great help to the postgraduates
  • Coloured photographs and videos on important practical topics in obstetrics so as to give a good visual impact and better understanding
  • First step in operating theatre is a chapter that addresses the common important aspects of operating room standards which will help the undergraduates especially when they graduate to be residents
  • Chapter on decision making algorithms for some of the essential topics to simplify the understanding of these conditions
  • Easy, comprehendible language with concise and focused information for students to understand even complex entities in obstetrics
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