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دانلود کتاب Surgical Atlas of Spinal Operations 2021 (ORIGINAL PDF)

250,000 تومان
160,000 تومان
36 % تخفیف
کد : 2041
انتخاب ها:

نام کتاب: Surgical Atlas of Spinal Operations
نويسنده/نويسندگان: Jason C Eck .Alexander R Vaccaro

سال انتشار: 2019
نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF
حجم فايل: 62MB
تعداد صفحات : 600
ناشر : Springer
شابک : 9783030650735
نسخه چاپی تمام رنگی ، با کیفیت بالا ،جلد هارد


This atlas is a comprehensive review of spine surgery, discussing traditional and new techniques. Divided into five sections, the first part introduces surgical anatomy.
•The following sections focus on procedures for different parts of the spine – cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral, to present expanded coverage of all aspects of spine surgery.
•Each section presents numerous disorders and different surgical techniques for their management. Highly illustrated, each chapter discusses indications for a surgical approach, the most common surgeries, pertinent anatomy, postoperative care and potential complications.
•Key points are summarized for each chapter.



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