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دانلود کتاب Stoller's Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Hip First, Includes Stoller Lecture Videos and Stoller Notes Edition2017( PDF)

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کد : 2474

نام کتاب:Stoller's Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Hip First, Includes Stoller Lecture Videos and Stoller Notes Edition2017( PDF)

نويسنده/نويسندگان: David W. Stoller MD FACR

نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF
سال انتشار: 2017
تعداد صفحات : 1104
ناشر : ‎ LWW; First, Includes Stoller Lecture
شابک :9781496317605
نسخه چاپی تمام رنگی ، با کیفیت بالا ،جلد هارد

*بهترین کیفیت افست را از ما بخواهید*


Diagnose hip imaging like never before with this outstanding multimedia reference from a world-renowned expert in orthopaedic radiology! Stoller's Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Hip combines more than 25 years of trailblazing research and clinical experience into one comprehensive, must-have resource. Concise, bulleted text , accompanied by u ndreds of clear line drawings, full-color illustrations, and high-resolution 3T images , allows for rapid understanding and easy access to unprecedented insights supporting the effective diagnosis of a full range of hip disorders.
Key Features

    • Master the latest concepts and approaches in hip imaging , including routine use of anterior and posterior oblique images to evaluate acetabular arthroscopic zones of articular cartilage, and to visualize the anterior superior and posterior inferior labrum and posterior superior and anterior inferior labrum at the same time; MR/arthroscopic correlation for hip anatomy and pathology; radial hip imaging; imaging around metal implants.
    • Emphasize and reinforce critical information with Key Concept section introductions
    • Visualize hip anatomy and pathology with extraordinary clarity thanks to an impressive collection of color illustrations, arthroscopic photos, and 3T and high-resolution MR images.Ensure thorough, evidence-based diagnosis with the aid of detailed image interpretation 

checklists.Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience:

  • The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline


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