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دانلود کتاب Atlas & Synopsis of Neonatology Indian Academy of Pediatrics: Neonatology Chapter 2019 (ORIGINAL PDF)

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کد : 2131

نام کتاب: Atlas & Synopsis of Neonatology Indian Academy of Pediatrics: Neonatology Chapter [Print Replica]
نويسنده/نويسندگان: Rhishikesh Thakre (Author), Srinivas Murk
سال انتشار: 2019
نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF
حجم فايل: 62MB
تعداد صفحات : 372
ناشر : Jaypee
شابک : 9780323511407
نسخه چاپی تمام رنگی ، با کیفیت بالا ،جلد هارد

The aim of this book is to focus on the atlas and synopsis of neonatology. Atlas and Synopsis of Neonatology is a highly illustrated collection of over 250 neonatal topics, with up-to-date information on common and uncommon medical conditions seen in clinical practice. This book is divided into 8 sections, which include normal newborn, clinical phenomenon, skin disorders, infections, systemic disorders, associations, malformations and genetic disorders, iatrogenic disorders, and miscellaneous. Each topic provides information on aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, investigations, differential diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for the disorder in question. Enhanced by 430 full color photographs, atlas and synopsis of neonatology is a valuable resource for all neonatal health care providers. The synthesis of clinical pictures and relevant details will help the reader to learn, relearn and unlearn the art and science of clinical neonatology.


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