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دانلود کتابRadiology Case Review Series: Pediatric 1st(ORIGINAL PDF)

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نام کتاب: Radiology Case Review Series: Pediatric 1st(ORIGINAL PDF)


Arie Franco Jacques F. Schneider


نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF
سال انتشار: 2021
تعداد صفحات : 1107
ناشر :‎ McGraw Hill
شابک :9780071775489
نسخه چاپی تمام رنگی ، با کیفیت بالا ،جلد هارد

*بهترین کیفیت افست را از ما بخواهید*

More than 200 pediatric cases deliver the best board review possible!

Part of McGraw-Hill's Radiology Case Review Series, this unique resource challenges you to look at a group of images, determine the diagnosis, answer related questions, and gauge your knowledge by reviewing the answer. It all adds up to the best review of pediatric imaging available--one that's ideal for certification or recertification, or as an incomparable clinical refresher.

Distinguished by a cohesive 2-page design, each volume in this series is filled with cases, annotated images, questions & answers, pearls, and relevant literature references that will efficiently prepare you for virtually any exam topic. Radiology and pediatric residents and fellows, medical students, radiologists, and physicians who want to increase their knowledge of pediatric radiology will find this book to be an invaluable study partner.

Radiology Case Review Series features:

  • 200 cases for each volume, which consist of:
    • Precise, state-of-the-art images accompanied by questions and answers, descriptions of the entities, insightful clinical pearls, and reference lists
    • Intensive coverage of fundamental radiology principles, the latest diagnostic imaging techniques, radiology equipment, new technologies, and more
  • Unique 2-page format for each case, which features:
    • Images with 5 questions on the right-hand page
    • Informative, bulleted comments box that provides important additional context for each case


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