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دانلود کتاب Sonography Principles and Instruments 9th (ORIGINAL PDF)

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کد : 4374
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نام کتاب: Sonography Principles and Instruments 9th (ORIGINAL PDF)

نويسنده/نويسندگان: Frederick W. Kremkau PhD FACR FAIMBE FAIUM FASA

نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF

تعداد صفحات : 304
ناشر ‎ Saunders
شابک :9780323322713
نسخه چاپی تمام رنگی ، با کیفیت بالا ،جلد هارد

*بهترین کیفیت افست را از ما بخواهید*

Learn how diagnostic ultrasound works, and find out how to properly handle artifacts, scan safely, evaluate instrument performance, and prepare for registry examinations, with the market-leading Sonography Principles and Instruments, 9th Edition. It concisely and comprehensively covers the essential aspects of ultrasound physics and instrumentation like Doppler, artifacts, safety, quality assurance, and the newest technology ― all in a dynamic, highly visual format for easy review of key information. Dr. Kremkau, unlike others, uses extensive exam questions, over 1,000 high-quality illustrations, and only the most basic equations to simplify complicated concepts, making this text a highly respected reference for sonography students and professionals.

  • Essential coverage of physics and sonography prepares you for the physics portion of the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) certification exam.
  • Current technology content, including the continuing progression of contrast agents and 3D and the more general aspects of transducers and instruments, helps you better comprehend the text.
  • Straightforward explanations simplify complicated concepts.
  • Learning objectives at the beginning of every chapter give you a measurable outcome to achieve.
  • Key terms provide you with a list of the most important terms at the beginning of each chapter.
  • Key Points, called out with an icon and special type, highlight the most important information to help you study more efficiently.
  • Bulleted reviews at the end of each chapter identify key concepts covered in that chapter.
  • End-of-chapter exercises test your knowledge and understanding with a mix of true/false, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and matching questions.
  • Glossary of key terms at the end of the book serves as a quick reference, letting you look up definitions without having to search through each chapter.
  • Appendices, including a List of Symbols, Complication of Equations, and Mathematics Review, equip you with additional resources to help comprehend difficult concepts.
  • An Evolve site with student resources enhances your learning experience.
  • A full-color design depicts over 120 high-quality ultrasound scans similar to what you will encounter in the clinical setting.
  • NEW! All-new content on elastography, shear wave imaging, acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI), volume imaging, power M-mode Doppler in TCD, miniaturization, and newer acquisition technique in Epic System keeps you in the know.
  • NEW! Updated instrument output data and official safety statements ensure you are current with today’s technology.
  • NEW! Updated art added to necessary chapters gives you an up-to-date representation of what you will encounter in the clinical setting.


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